According to a study of Neurology. Which included the participation of people who suffered strokes? The warning signs of an ischemic stroke can occur up to seven days before it occurs and require urgent treatment to prevent possible brain damage.
Eighty percent of strokes are ischemic. These are caused by narrowing of the large or small arteries in the brain or by clots that block blood flow to the brain.
They are often preceded by a transient ischemic attack (TIA), a "warning stroke" or "mini stroke." It shows symptoms similar to a stroke, usually lasts less than five minutes, and does not damage the brain.
Important figures and what was discovered about the signs of a stroke
The study looked at 2,416 people who had suffered an ischemic stroke. 549 patients experienced a TIA prior to ischemic stroke and in most cases it occurred within the previous seven days. 17 percent occurred on the day of the stroke, 9 percent the day before, and 43 percent at some point during the seven days before the stroke.
It has been known for some time that TIAs are often a precursor to a major stroke. What has not been determined is how urgently patients should be evaluated after TIA to receive the most effective preventive treatment.
This study indicates that the timing of a TIA is totally critical. And that the most effective treatments should be started a few hours after suffering one to prevent a major attack.
The study included two other population-based studies (Oxford Vascular Study and Oxfordshire Community Stroke Project). As well as two randomized trials (UK-TIA Aspirin Trial and European Carotid Surgery Trial).
The American Academy of Neurology is the world's largest association of neurologists and neuroscience professionals, with 36,000 members. The AAN is dedicated to promoting the highest quality patient-centered neurological care.
A neurologist is a physician with specialized training in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of disorders of the brain and nervous system such as Alzheimer's disease, stroke, migraine, multiple sclerosis, concussion, Parkinson's disease, and epilepsy.
20 subtle symptoms that you had coronavirus and did not know it
Is it possible that you have had the coronavirus and never realized it? It is. Most people who get COVID-19 have subtle symptoms, such as fever and a dry, highly contagious cough. Only a small percentage of people may have more severe symptoms.
However, since the coronavirus has more of a spectrum of symptoms (some so mild that they are hardly noticeable or can be mistaken for something else), it can go undetected and go undiagnosed. So read on to discover the 20 subtle symptoms that may indicate you've already had COVID-19.
1. Runny nose, sore throat, and congestion
A runny nose, sore throat, and congestion can signify a mild case of COVID-19. However, because it sounds, and probably feels, very similar to the common cold or hay fever allergy, many people are likely to ignore it.
2. Reduction or loss of sense of taste and smell
People who experience a loss of taste and smell may have contracted the coronavirus. It is a symptom that can accompany other subtle symptoms, such as those mentioned above. But it can also accompany other even more subtle symptoms, such as muscle aches, fatigue, fever, and ongoing coughing.
While it is not yet known exactly why some people report experiencing a loss of taste and smell, it is believed that in most cases sense returns after no more than six weeks.
3. Reduced appetite
When your body is infected by a virus like COVID-19, your appetite can be reduced. If this is accompanied by a loss of taste and smell, it can make the desire to eat or drink very difficult. It's very important to drink plenty of fluids to help your body fight the virus and minimize symptoms, and even if you don't feel hungry, try to eat something, even just a snack or a small meal.
4. Shortness of breath
Since coronavirus is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, symptoms such as coughing, sore throat, and shortness of breath may appear. While the most common is the dry, continuous cough that is reported very often, if you become more breathless than usual, and if it occurs even when you are at rest, then it can be a cause for concern and you should seek medical attention. immediately.
5. Tiredness and fatigue
When your body fights any type of infection, it consumes energy. Most people will feel tired or lethargic, so when they are sick they will not exercise or go to work. However, some fitness enthusiasts insist that we continue to exercise to fight the virus.
But that's usually not helpful, as the body needs time to physically rest while the immune system does the work, so take a break and stop training for a few days. You should not ignore the signals from your body.
6. Toe Injuries (COVID Fingers)
Dermatologists have more frequently observed purple lesions on the feet and hands of some patients with COVID-19 infection. These lesions are found mostly in otherwise asymptomatic children and young adults, and can be itchy or painful.
While the connection of these injuries to the coronavirus is still being investigated, this phenomenon is commonly called "COVID fingers." Importantly, a severe COVID-19 infection can also increase the blood's tendency to clot, depriving the skin of blood flow and causing purple skin lesions.
7. Conjunctivitis
If you've recently suffered from conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, it could be due to COVID-19. Several reports suggest that SARS-CoV-2 can cause mild follicular conjunctivitis that would otherwise be indistinguishable from other viral causes, and is possibly spread by aerosol contact with the conjunctiva.
8. Diarrhea or nausea
According to the CDC, some people with COVID-19 have experienced gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and nausea before developing a fever and lower respiratory tract signs and symptoms.
In fact, a study published in The American Journal of Gastroenterology found that digestive problems were more common in people with COVID-19 than previously thought, and that up to half of the diagnosed patients exhibited some of these symptoms.
9. Fever spikes
Did you have a fever that came and went so fast that it went away? This could have been from COVID-19. According to the World Health Organization, 87.9% of 55,924 laboratory-confirmed coronavirus cases reported fever, making it the most common symptom.
10. Muscle aches
You may not have taken the aches and pains into account because you thought they were due to overexertion. Or maybe you thought you had a simple flu. However, according to the CDC, muscle pain is one of the subtle symptoms of the coronavirus.
11. COVID eruptions
The skin is often a window to a person's health and can show signs of COVID-19 infection. The rashes can present as small blisters, morbilliform rashes (symmetrical pink to red bumps that can fuse together), and hives (red itchy rings on the skin).
The purple skin lesions that many COVID-19 patients have reported range from simple itching to painful bumps on the hands and feet (" COVID fingers ").
It is important to note that these skin signs are non-specific, meaning that they can be associated with other infections, systemic disorders, and drug reactions. This is why it is important to first consult with your doctor.
12. Disorientation
Some victims of COVID-19 experience disorientation and confusion. A study published in JAMA found that more than a third of hospitalized patients in Wuhan, China, exhibited neurological manifestations of the disease, including loss of balance or coordination, loss of consciousness, and seizures.
13. Dry cough
Dry cough is one of the most subtle symptoms that define COVID-19, according to the WHO. What is the difference between a dry and a wet cough? As the name implies, a wet cough will produce mucus or phlegm, while a dry cough will not.
14. Constant chills or shaking
The CDC made six new additions to its official COVID-19 symptom list. Among them were not only "chills", but "constant shaking with chills. " This symptom usually goes hand in hand with fever.
15. Throbbing headache
If you feel a constant pounding in your head, it could be a sign of COVID-19. The results of an observational study with more than 100 patients show that the presence of headache can occur during the presymptomatic and symptomatic phases of COVID-19 progression. And sometimes, it's very similar to tension or migraine headaches.
16. Chest pain
Some people report continuing to experience symptoms months after infection. On doctor visits and on social media groups, a growing number of patients have come forward reporting persistent symptoms ranging from mild problems, such as continued loss of taste or smell.
Even more serious problems, such as heart palpitations, chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, cognitive difficulties or recurring fevers. It is unknown if these symptoms eventually resolve or indicate permanent damage to the virus.
17. Loss of speech or movement
People of all ages who experience fever and cough associated with shortness of breath / shortness of breath, chest pain / pressure, or loss of speech or movement should seek immediate medical attention. WHO reports.
18. You become forgetful
Experience with earlier forms of coronavirus suggests that, in the long term, patients may develop depression, insomnia, Parkinson's disease, memory loss, or accelerated brain aging.
For people recovering from COVID-19, exercising regularly, eating a heart-healthy diet, reducing stress, and improving sleep habits are recommended. These are critical ways in which patients can rejuvenate their brain and minimize future negative impacts.
19. You got sick at the beginning of the year
If you were sick in January or February and took it as a cold or flu, it could actually have been COVID-19.
In late February, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed the first case of COVID-19 in a California patient who had no known contact with anyone who had been diagnosed with the virus or had no history. travel to an outbreak area.
However, it was recently confirmed that as early as February there were two deaths related to the coronavirus in California. Since the COVID outbreak took place during peak cold and flu season, it is very possible that you were dealing with coronavirus and did not know it.
20. You spent time in crowded places
If you spent time in crowded places where you could be more exposed to contagion - specifically in restaurants, bars, churches or offices - and you felt bad, it could have been COVID-19.
It’s easy to get confused and overwhelmed when searching out extracts for their medicinal function. Right now, CBD is the rock star cannabinoid that, in some cases, even outshines marijuana’s psychoactive compound THC. But while the media talks mostly in terms of CBD when telling success stories involving children with epilepsy, they sometimes fail to inform the audience that many of these sick kids are actually medicating with whole plant extracts — they are just derived from CBD-dominant strains.